The second series of Antlor is called SecuriTV and is not produced as such. Instead these CCTV hunting trophies are made in collaboration with publications, so far I've worked with Nude,MODART, and a couple that I can't speak of yet. One off versions have also appeared in exhibitions, like Sneaky Raccoon's Birthday Show and others. The use of the CCTV camera was to "urbanise" the concept - this happened after my move to London where CCTV cameras outnumber deer. Oh, and we all think CCTV iconography is the shit. On a more subtle and less cool level it's about sights and sight, it's about filling your eyes with wonder/beauty/interestingness - everything you see and store in your brain is a visual trophy that you can show off in various ways: "I saw a black rhino." takes the place of the more obvious "I killed a black rhino - see, there's her head on my wall." Any magazines, websites, books interested in these should simply email me. |